Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Group B's Films

Just got back from screening group B's films. Some had good production values but lacked something in the story to finish the overall experience. The only ones I'm worried about are the sci-fi and romance film.

The sci fi film had a good production look, but poor acting in places and a very weak ending (along with a character that just pops up at the ending to explain whats been happening).

The romance was overall a good film with a little humor mixed in. It did have a little audio problem and the main female lead (who was supposed to be blind) could be seen looking at her male lead through the sunglasses. The ending dialogue with the two main characters was also very weak and the camera was a bit too far away from where i think it should have been.

The two horror films where bad.

The first romance film "gift from mom"? was bad,....BAD, I say.

The mockumentary was good, but it was like every other mockumentary before it. A film crew filming a movie is being film by a documantary crew. Insert __________(person taking over movie) and have the documentary crew follow him/her as the movie being filmed turns into a disaster. Insert jokes as needed.

The spy movie was weak. Weak characters and bad comic relief. Along with a really bad shadow fight scene.
*They did pass out flyers, err or 1/4 of a flyer. I'm still puzzeled about what Formula D was and/or what the infection is going to do to me?

The Cop/Detective movie had potential before it made a hard 180 turn and went to wherever bad movies go. Some funny toilet humor made you smile but then a character wearing a canary yellow shirt(3 times too small) and matching shorts walked in. nuff said.

Personally I think it comes down to "the scent of a man" and "dirty laundry". Our advantage is probaly where we used the Novabill character as a main part of the story and not comic relief (A. Novabill in "scent" was a gay speedwalker, spouting wisdom).

No matter what happens with the judging, I would like to thank everyone who helped with the film. It's something I'm proud of and I know that the movie could not have been the success that it is without everyones participation. So thanks!

Yo Fluke, stay golden.

And learn your spanish